ntcPlaneFoliation contains calls to evaluate the homology class (modulo sign) of the 2-tori (if any) relative to a foliation of a Fermi Surface generated by a constant 1-form in the 3-torus
ntcPlaneFoliation contains calls to evaluate the homology class (modulo sign)
of the 2-tori (if any) relative to a foliation of a Fermi Surface
generated by a constant 1-form in the 3-torus.
Basically is an implementation of ntcFoliation that deals just with constants
1-forms H.
As the vtkSampleFunction class only samples functions on rectangles,
ntcPlaneFoliation contains also a coordinate change matrix m that
transform the Primitive Cell (i.e. a basic parallelogram of the
intersection between the plane and the Fermi Surface) in a rectangle.
alphabetic index hierarchy of classes
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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling
contact: doc++@zib.de