class ntcPrimitiveCell : public vtkPolyData


ntcPrimitiveCell represent a basic cell in the intersection between an integer plane and the Fermi Surface


Public Methods

void Visualize()
void Visualize( float point[3], float radius=.1 )
void Visualize3D( float point[3], float radius=.1, float size=2 )
void Visualize3D( vtkPolyData *surf, float point[3], float radius=.1 )
void Visualize( vtkImplicitFunction *f )
void Write( char *name )
void SetTriangulation( vtkPolyData *geom )
vtkPolyData* GetTriangulation()
int Sew( float x, float y, float z, float radius=.1, int type=NTC_SINGLE_CRITICAL_POINT )
int Sew( float point[3], float radius=.1, int type=NTC_SINGLE_CRITICAL_POINT )
int GetCriticalPoints( float point[3], float criticalPoints[2][3], int criticalPointsId[2], float radius = .1 )
void SetCriticalPointId( int Id )
void AddCriticalPointId( int Id )
int GetCriticalPointId( int index=0 )
vtkIdList* GetCriticalPointsIdList()
void SetBoundaryPoints()
int FindClosestBoundaryPoint( float point[3] )
int EliminateWhat( int type )
int EliminateLoops()
int EliminateOpenOrbits()
virtual void Initialize()
vtkIdList* GetBoundaryPoints()
void Clean()
void SetSign( int sign )
int GetSign()


3-dim only Methods
int Sew( float crPoint[3], float bdPt1[3], float bdPt2[3] )
int SewT3( float point[3], float bdPoint1[3], float bdPoint2[3] )
int GetJumpsToEquivalentCriticalPoint( float point[3], float H[3], int jumps[3], float bdPoint1[3], float bdPoint2[3] )
int GetEquivalentPoint( int &pointId, int jumps[3] )
int GetEquivalentPoint( int &pointId, int jumps[3], float bounds[6], int latticeType = NTC_CUBIC )
int GetEquivalentPoint( float bdPoint[3], int &bdPointId )
void GetDeltaZeta( int pointId, int jumps[3] )
int GetNextPointAndCell( int pointId, int cellId, int &newPointId, int &newCellId, int Jumps[3] )
int GetNextPointAndCell( int pointId, int cellId, int &newPointId, int &newCellId, int Jumps[3], float bounds[6], int latticeType = NTC_CUBIC )
int GetNextPointAndCell( float bdpoint[3], int &newPointId, int &newCellId )
int GetEquivalentPoint( int pointId, float pointCoord[3], float xLength, float yLength, float zLength, int jumps[3] )
void EliminateLoopsNotHomologousToZeroInT3()
2-dim only Methods
int GetEquivalentPoint( int &pointId, int &jumps0, int &jumps1 )
int GetNextPointAndCell( int pointId, int cellId, int &newPointId, int &newCellId, int &jump0, int &jump1 )

Protected Fields

vtkIdList* BoundaryPoints
float n[8][3]
int sign
vtkIdList* CriticalPointsId


ntcPrimitiveCell represent a basic cell in the intersection between an integer plane and the Fermi Surface. By default the plane passes through a critical point do this class stores the Critical Point Id for easy reference. In order to travel around the critical leaves are also stored the Ids of all boundary points.

void Visualize()
void Visualize( float point[3], float radius=.1 )
Visualize the cell and highlight a neighbourhood of the point point[3].
void Visualize3D( float point[3], float radius=.1, float size=2 )
Visualize the cell and highlight a neighbourhood of the point point[3].
void Visualize3D( vtkPolyData *surf, float point[3], float radius=.1 )
Visualize the cell and highlight a neighbourhood of the point point[3].
void Visualize( vtkImplicitFunction *f )
Visualize the cell and the surface f=0.
void Write( char *name )
void SetTriangulation( vtkPolyData *geom )
Sets a simplicial decomposition of the Primitive Cell.
vtkPolyData* GetTriangulation()
Returns the simplicial decomposition of the Primitive Cell.
3-dim only Methods
int Sew( float crPoint[3], float bdPt1[3], float bdPt2[3] )
int SewT3( float point[3], float bdPoint1[3], float bdPoint2[3] )
int GetJumpsToEquivalentCriticalPoint( float point[3], float H[3], int jumps[3], float bdPoint1[3], float bdPoint2[3] )
int GetEquivalentPoint( int &pointId, int jumps[3] )
Given the pointId of a boundary point, it returns the Id of the equivalent point on the opposite side and updates the number of jumps
int GetEquivalentPoint( int &pointId, int jumps[3], float bounds[6], int latticeType = NTC_CUBIC )
Given the pointId of a boundary point, it returns the Id of the equivalent point on the opposite side and updates the number of jumps
int GetEquivalentPoint( float bdPoint[3], int &bdPointId )
void GetDeltaZeta( int pointId, int jumps[3] )
int GetNextPointAndCell( int pointId, int cellId, int &newPointId, int &newCellId, int Jumps[3] )
int GetNextPointAndCell( int pointId, int cellId, int &newPointId, int &newCellId, int Jumps[3], float bounds[6], int latticeType = NTC_CUBIC )
int GetNextPointAndCell( float bdpoint[3], int &newPointId, int &newCellId )
int GetEquivalentPoint( int pointId, float pointCoord[3], float xLength, float yLength, float zLength, int jumps[3] )
void EliminateLoopsNotHomologousToZeroInT3()
2-dim only Methods
int GetEquivalentPoint( int &pointId, int &jumps0, int &jumps1 )
Given the pointId of a boundary point, it returns the Id of the equivalent point on the opposite side and updates the number of jumps
int GetNextPointAndCell( int pointId, int cellId, int &newPointId, int &newCellId, int &jump0, int &jump1 )
int Sew( float x, float y, float z, float radius=.1, int type=NTC_SINGLE_CRITICAL_POINT )
Sew back the critical point: finds the two 0-cell closest to the critical point in a small neighbourhood of it and glues them so that at the end we have a point with 4 coboundaris).
int Sew( float point[3], float radius=.1, int type=NTC_SINGLE_CRITICAL_POINT )
int GetCriticalPoints( float point[3], float criticalPoints[2][3], int criticalPointsId[2], float radius = .1 )
void SetCriticalPointId( int Id )
Set the critical point Id
void AddCriticalPointId( int Id )
Add a critical point Id in case of multiple critical points in the same leaf
int GetCriticalPointId( int index=0 )
Return the indexth critical point Id
vtkIdList* GetCriticalPointsIdList()
Return the critical point Id
void SetBoundaryPoints()
Store the set of boundary points.
int FindClosestBoundaryPoint( float point[3] )
int EliminateWhat( int type )
int EliminateLoops()
int EliminateOpenOrbits()
virtual void Initialize()
vtkIdList* GetBoundaryPoints()
void Clean()
void SetSign( int sign )
int GetSign()
vtkIdList* BoundaryPoints
float n[8][3]
int sign
vtkIdList* CriticalPointsId

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alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling