ntcMoliner is an implementation of the Moliner model of Cu, Ag and Au
Fermi Functions (Phil
Public Methods
static ntcMoliner* New()
virtual const char* GetClassName()
virtual int SetGenus( float En )
virtual int HomologyMethods( int cycle, ntcPrimitiveCell *leaf, float H[3], int &intersectionNumber, int type = NTC_CRITICAL_LEAF )
void SetCoefficients( float a, float b )
float GetBeta()
float GetLambda()
virtual void SetCycleInversionOn( int cycle )
The function
virtual float f( float x[3] )
Its gradient
virtual float fX( float x[3] )
virtual float fY( float x[3] )
virtual float fZ( float x[3] )
Its Hessian
virtual float fXX( float x[3] )
virtual float fYY( float x[3] )
virtual float fZZ( float x[3] )
virtual float fXY( float x[3] )
virtual float fYZ( float x[3] )
virtual float fZX( float x[3] )
Public Methods
virtual int HomologyMethods2D( int i, float firstPoint[3], float secondPoint[3] )
virtual void I( int *LoopHomologyClass, int *LoopHom )
int GetGenus()
int GetLatticeType()
Public Methods
virtual void fGrad( float x[3], float grad[3] )
virtual void fHessian( float x[3], float hessian[3][3] )
ntcMoliner is an implementation of the Moliner model of Cu, Ag and Au
Fermi Functions (Phil. Mag. 3 (1958), 207)
static ntcMoliner* New()
virtual const char* GetClassName()
virtual int SetGenus( float En )
The function
virtual float f( float x[3] )
Its gradient
virtual float fX( float x[3] )
virtual float fY( float x[3] )
virtual float fZ( float x[3] )
Its Hessian
virtual float fXX( float x[3] )
virtual float fYY( float x[3] )
virtual float fZZ( float x[3] )
virtual float fXY( float x[3] )
virtual float fYZ( float x[3] )
virtual float fZX( float x[3] )
virtual int HomologyMethods( int cycle, ntcPrimitiveCell *leaf, float H[3], int &intersectionNumber, int type = NTC_CRITICAL_LEAF )
void SetCoefficients( float a, float b )
float GetBeta()
float GetLambda()
virtual void SetCycleInversionOn( int cycle )
- This class has no child classes.
alphabetic index hierarchy of classes
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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling