class ntcFoliation2D : public vtkObject


ntcFoliation2D is a class that contains the basic functions needed to deal with codimension-1 foliations induced on a 2-torus by any function


Public Methods

static ntcFoliation2D* New()
const char* GetClassName()
void SetHamiltonian( ntcFunction* F )
ntcImplicitFunction* GetHamiltonian()
void SetCriticalPoints()
int EvaluateIndexOf( ntcPoint *crPoint )
int GetNumberOfSaddles()
float* GetCriticalSaddlePoint( int i )
int GetNumberOfCenters()
float* GetCriticalCenterPoint( int i )
void SetResolution( int Res )
int GetResolution()
int SetCriticalLeaf( float x[3], float Radius = .01, int type = NTC_CRITICAL_POINT )
ntcPrimitiveCell* GetCriticalLeaf()
int FindHomologyClass( int Hom[2] )


Protected Fields

int Resolution
float Dim[3]
int NumberOfSaddles
ntcImplicitFunction* f
ntcPrimitiveCell* criticalSlice
vtkPoints* CriticalSaddlePoints
vtkPoints* CriticalCenterPoints
ntcLattice* Lattice


ntcFoliation2D is a class that contains the basic functions needed to deal with codimension-1 foliations induced on a 2-torus by any function

static ntcFoliation2D* New()
const char* GetClassName()
void SetHamiltonian( ntcFunction* F )
Set the Fermi Energy Function
ntcImplicitFunction* GetHamiltonian()
Set the Fermi Energy Function
Set the dimensions of the lattice that will be used to sample the square [0,1]x[0,1] and find a simplicial decomposition of the Fermi Surface f at energy En
void SetCriticalPoints()
Find the critical points.
int EvaluateIndexOf( ntcPoint *crPoint )
Returns the index of a critical point
int GetNumberOfSaddles()
Return number of saddle type critical points
float* GetCriticalSaddlePoint( int i )
Return the coordinates of the i-th saddle point. There is no control about its existence so you must call GetNumberOfSaddles() in conjunction with it ( and you must run SetCriticalPoints() first!!!)
int GetNumberOfCenters()
Return number of center type critical points ( you must run SetCriticalPoints() first!!!)
float* GetCriticalCenterPoint( int i )
Return the coordinates of the i-th center. There is no control about its existence so you must call GetNumberOfCenters() in conjunction with it ( and you must run SetCriticalPoints() first!!!)
void SetResolution( int Res )
int GetResolution()
int SetCriticalLeaf( float x[3], float Radius = .01, int type = NTC_CRITICAL_POINT )
ntcPrimitiveCell* GetCriticalLeaf()
int FindHomologyClass( int Hom[2] )
int Resolution
Sampling dimensions in the 2-torus
float Dim[3]
Sampling Dimensions for cr points coordinates retrieving
int NumberOfSaddles
ntcImplicitFunction* f
ntcPrimitiveCell* criticalSlice
vtkPoints* CriticalSaddlePoints
vtkPoints* CriticalCenterPoints
ntcLattice* Lattice

This class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling