libNTC Documentation Index
(c)opyright by Roberto De Leo
Table of contents
- ntcAffineMap
ntcAffineMap is an abstract model for a map f:R^3 --> R^3
- ntcClosedLeaf
ntcClosedLeaf is a subclass of Leaf containing a few of specific calls
for closed leaves
- ntcCos3D
ntcCos3D is the simpler trigonometric 3ply periodic function giving
rise to a genus 3 surface in the 3-torus
- ntcFcc
ntcFcc is an analytical approximation of the Fermi Energy function
for fcc metals (Copper group) suggested by Moliner and checked
experimentally by Pippard
- ntcFermiFunction
ntcFermiFunction is an abstract model for a Fermi Function
- ntcFoliation
ntcFoliation is a class that contains the basic functions needed
to deal with codimension-1 foliations of surfaces embedded in the 3-torus
coming from a smooth 1-form on the 3-torus
- ntcFoliation2D
ntcFoliation2D is a class that contains the basic functions needed
to deal with codimension-1 foliations induced on a 2-torus by any
- ntcFunction
ntcFunction is an abstract model for a function
- ntcFunctionComposition
ntcFunctionComposition is a class introduced to be able to compose a
function with a map
- ntcFunctionCP1
ntcFunctionCP1 is a class introduced to be able to sum two functions
- ntcFunctionCP2
ntcFunctionCP2 is a class introduced to be able to sum two functions
- ntcFunctionLC
ntcFunctionLC is a class introduced to be able to sum two functions
- ntcHalse
ntcHalse is an implementation of the Halse model of Cu, Ag and Au
Fermi Functions ("The Fermi Surface of the Noble Metals", Phil
- ntcIntegerMatrix
ntcIntegerMatrix is a class containing a library of functions on matrixes
with integer coefficients
- ntcLattice
ntcLattice is a class that represent a lattice in euclidean 3-space
- ntcLeaf
ntcLeaf is a subclass of vtkPolyData with functions specifically
written for 1-dimensional simplexes
- ntcLeavesCollection
ntcLeavesCollection is a class that can store a disjoint union of ntcLeaf
- ntcMap
ntcMap is an abstract model for a map f:R^3 --> R^3
- ntcMath
ntcMath defines a few functions often used in the library
- ntcMoliner
ntcMoliner is an implementation of the Moliner model of Cu, Ag and Au
Fermi Functions (Phil
- ntcPeriodicParabola3D
ntcPeriodicParabola3D is an analytical approximation of the Fermi Energy function
for periodicParabola3D metals (Copper group) suggested by Moliner and checked
experimentally by Pippard
- ntcPlaneFoliation
ntcPlaneFoliation contains calls to evaluate the homology class (modulo sign)
of the 2-tori (if any) relative to a foliation of a Fermi Surface
generated by a constant 1-form in the 3-torus
- ntcPoint
ntcPoint is a class contains some low level call to points topology
- ntcPrimitiveCell
ntcPrimitiveCell represent a basic cell in the intersection between an
integer plane and the Fermi Surface
- ntcVector
ntcVector implements a few useful calls missing from vtkVectors
Functions, Macros
hierarchy of classes
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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling